Acts 4:15-22; Romans 13:1-7: 1 Peter 2:9-17
How Should a Believer Respond to a Government that seems to be Anti-God, Anti-Biblical and Anti-Morality? You Just Might be Surprised What God Says!
Genesis 12-22
Being a Spiritual Leader in Your Home is Simply Responding to Gods Grace by Faith, (like Abraham) and then Seeking to Apply that Faith to the Tests of Life.
John 8:29
Jesus Could Truthfully Say, 'I always do the things that are pleasing to him [My Father].' As His Followers, We Cannot Say This, but It should be our Aim and Desire by God's Grace and the Help of the Holy Spirit.
How Should a Believer Respond to a Government that seems to be Anti-God, Anti-Biblical and Anti-Morality? You Just Might be Surprised What God Says!, Pt. 1.