The Christian Life is a War, but God Provides Protection for Us with His Armor. Our Part is to Consciously and Regularly Put it on, so that We can be Prepared to Fight.
Everybody has to Deal with Authority. The Gospel Teaches Us How to Submit to Authority and How to Use it Wisely
The Christian Marriage is the Most Beautiful Picture God Can Give the World of the Most Beautiful Relationship Imaginable – the Mystery of Christ's Love for his Bride.
Psalm 45 is a Wedding Song For the King and Queen of Israel, Given with the Specific Intention of Drawing You and Me Closer to our Savior and King, and at the Same Time, (If You are Married), Draw You Closer to Your Spouse)!
Obeying God's Warnings Not Only Help Us Avoid Disastrous Consequences, But They Also Lead Us Into A Holy, Productive and (Usually) Happier Life.