When Jesus Talks Prophecy or about the Kingdom of God, it is Not to Satisfy our Curiosity, it is to Call Us to Repentance!
Following Jesus is Very Practical, but that Doesn't Mean it's Very Easy!
What do we say about Hell to a Post-Modern World?
The Kindness and Severity of God in the Covenant of Marriage
Marriage wasn't created just to make us Happy, it was created to make us Holy!
Marriage wasn't created just to make us Happy, it was created to make us Holy!
God's kingdom fulfills God's Law through Jesus, and Changes Everything -- Including Us!
Two Sons, with hearts that are cold toward their Father, experience His over-the-top provision, forgiveness, and welcome.
The Call to be a Disciple of Jesus is a Call to Total Surrender, which will set you Totally Free!
Those who attend the greatest party of all--The Kingdom of God--are the very opposite of WHO you'd expect, and Jesus calls them to act the very opposite of HOW you'd expect.
Jesus' plan to take over the world looks small and insignificant, but really is a powerful conspiracy where the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Why is it that those most concerned about holiness are sometimes characterized by their Ugliness?
Luke 12:49 - 13:5
Romans 1:1-5
Luke 12:35-48,
Being a Faithful Servant of Jesus Has Great Responsibility and Great Reward—both Now and in the Future!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but due to a technical difficulty, we were unable to upload this weeks sermon. Please read Luke 12:22-34.
Worry Is An Indicator That We Have Improper Values and/or Insufficient Faith.
Luke 12:13-21
Watch out for Greed: It will leave you full of yourself, but empty toward God.
Luke 12:1-2,
Jesus Tells His Disciples What to Fear, What Not to Fear, and to be Very Afraid of Being Afraid of the Wrong Things.
From Luke 11:37-54,
“Jesus Gives six Woes to the Pharisees and Experts in the Law on the who are focused on External Rules, Rather than the Internal Matters of the Heart.”
Luke 11:14-36
Every One Of Us Has To Make A Decision About Jesus: Who He Is, Why He Came, And Whether We Will Submit To Him.